Machine Readable Files


Last updated on Fri Mar 14 2025 02:26:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time).

Overarching Table of Contents (TOC) File

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Overarching TOC File

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Data accuracy: Persons who use this information should note that these data may not be current or otherwise accurate. Health Plans must update their provider network information in a machine-readable format not less than monthly. The files on this website are updated each month.

Data Integrity: HMA does not subject the data to quality assurance review or modification prior to publishing. Data is provided to the public “AS IS”, and HMA does not guarantee the truth, accuracy, adequacy, or completeness of the data, and is not responsible for any errors or omissions or the result obtained from the use of such data. It is the responsibility of each user to identify the information needed to satisfy the user’s needs and to verify the accuracy of the content with the original source of the data. Any alteration of the original data, including conversion to other media or other data formats, is the responsibility of the user. Data that has been manipulated or reprocessed by the user is the responsibility of the user. The user may not attribute or otherwise reference data that has been altered in any way as HMA data. HMA has no responsibility for the data after it has been converted, processed, reformatted, or otherwise altered. HMA has no responsibility for assisting users with converting the data to another format.

Additional terms and conditions: The user acknowledges that HMA reserves the right to amend or modify this disclaimer-user agreement and that future access to, downloading, or use of the data may be subject to revised or additional terms and conditions.